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Children are important at CBR!

Each Sunday there is Children's Church for kids of elementary-school age! (Note: at the present time, Children's Church is not occurring every Sunday.) The children are dismissed just prior to the message to hear a lesson just for them. By including them in the first part of the worship service, they are learning to participate in the main service, while also having an age-appropriate class to help them grow further in God's Word. 

Awana Clubs meet each Wednesday evening during the school year. Children and youth have fun as they learn how to know, love, and serve the Lord Jesus Christ! (See our Awana page.)

Vacation Bible School is held during the summer. It's always a very exciting week for all! (See our VBS page.)

At CBR we have a Child Protection Plan in place. All volunteers go through an application and screening process. We consider each child's safety a high priority. There are initial trainings, as well as continued training available through our various children's ministries for those who serve.

But Jesus said, "Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven."

Matthew 19:14

Church of the Blue Ridge
9357 Critzer Shop Road
Afton, VA 22920
Phone: 540-456-8653